Additional Wellness Services

Embark on your wellness journey with LOMA Health & Wellness

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Physical wellness is the foundation of overall health, and our team is dedicated to helping you reach your wellness goals. Through preventive screenings, regular check-ups, and tailored treatment plans, we aim to address any health concerns and optimize your physical well-being.

What You Need To Know

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Additional Services

Initial consult:
60 minute assessment and history
Goal setting
2 week meal plan

Follow up visit:
30 minute assessment
Goal monitoring and evaluation
2 week meal plan

During your initial assessment with the dietitian you’ll have the opportunity to share your diet and nutrition history, discuss your food preferences, and work together to create goals and objectives. You'll receive a custom, multi-week meal plan that works for your schedule, abilities, and budget and is based on your specific preferences or diet restrictions.

Follow up visits are designed to check in on your progress toward your goals. You’ll discuss things like weight status and symptom management and will have the ability to adjust your care plan as needed. New meal plans will be distributed during your follow up visits.

More about meal plans:
Based on your normal eating patterns and recommendations from the dietitian, your meal plan will include suggestions and recipes for each meal and snack of the day. If needed, you’ll also receive shopping guides and cooking demonstrations. Meal plans will vary based on the goals you set and your progress toward achieving those goals.

Have a Question?

Sed nec enim tempor, luctus nisi quis, cursus erat. Vestibulum mi purus, fermentum.

Our Value

Our nutrition experts will create a customized meal plan that is tailored to your individual needs

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Free Consultation 24 Hours

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Nutrition Legal Certificate

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Organic Nutrition Expertise

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